Friday, August 05, 2005

What Happened to Minding the Store?

Back in this post, I discussed the premiere of "Minding the Store," Pauly Shore's new show. I gave it a lukewarm review, which is probably better than I might have expected to give it, since it is a show featuring Pauly Shore. I also said that we had the second episode on the DVR and would watch it later. What happened?

Well, we never watched the second episode, for a couple of reasons. First, I have a hard time sticking with tv shows nowadays anyway. I hate being tied to the networks' schedule, and even with the availability of easy recording I lose interest pretty easily. That's strike one. Strikes two and three were the preview of the second episode we saw later in the week, which basically focused on Mr. Shore's being a "sex addict," or something like one. I guess that could have been funny, but it struck as so different from the multi-character, off-the-wall show in the initial previews that we lost interest. And while Mr. Shore was somewhat entertaining in the first episode, he certainly wasn't amusing enough to make us care about his personal life.

So the world-famous Comedy Store (I still like the name of the show and the club) is closed.


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