Friday, March 04, 2005

Finding Neverland

Saw Finding Neverland tonight, partly out of regret at having seen only one of the Oscar-nominated movies - Ray (which was very good). Finding Neverland was excellent. It's the story of the creator of Peter Pan and his interactions with the family that inspired him to write play. The movie took a couple of liberties with Barrie's life, see here, mainly it seems to be able to play up his relationship with the Kate Winslet character. They weren't major, though, and probably made for a better movie. One interesting thing that Barrie did was donate the copyright to Peter Pan to the Great Ormond Street Hospital, so that whenever Peter Pan is staged, the Great Ormond Street Hospital gets a cut of the pie (theoretically). I was not aware of that. Anyway, I recommend Finding Neverland highly, as long as you're looking for a well told story with memorable characters. And flying children.


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